
Digital Engagement Platform

Omnichannel AI cloud based engagment platform

Next best action orchestration and offer delivery, engagement suggestions, payment methods, and promotion campaigns in multiple inbound and outbound digital channels and user touchpoints. Clusterized audiences based on life cycle events, user journey, profile traits, machine learning models and behavioral & historical data.

  • Challenge

    An End-to-End Digital Customer relationship is a challenge for non-digital native industries.

    Limited adoption of digital channels

    Lack of segmentation generates excess intrusive outbound contacts and waste in limited digital inventory

  • Business Partner Opportunities

    A single solution provider to implement and manage a complete digital omnichannel customer experience.

    Scalable platform with a CAPEX and OPEX free business model.

    Adaptable for different uses cases.

  • Users benefits

    Personalized digital experience during the full journey.

    Convenience when best action and offers, through the right channel.

Features Highlight

  • Capture micro-moments

    React in real-time to your user's interactions and life cycle events to anticipate their needs.

  • Contextualize the experience

    Build multidimensional audiences and reach them with dynamic actions and product offers.

  • contextualize
    Deliver across channels

    Connect with your user in any inbound and outbound channels to enrich the customer experience.

A customer-centric behavioral approach to increase revenue and improve customer relationships.

  • NBA Orchestration platform

  • Omnichannel Platform

  • Campaign Management Platform

How IT Works
  • Identify micro-moments and life cycle events

    NBA Orchestration platform

  • Select the best action

    The best action to be taken towards a user is selected based on the current context and with the best chance of leading to a positive outcome.

  • Personalize the best offer

    Relevant and personalized offers are recommended considering the user profile, historical data, and preferences.

  • Engage the user

    The most appropriate digital channel is used to reach the user at the precise moment regarding the message he wanted to share and the moment the user is in.

Main components

  • Inbound channels platform
  • Outbound and campaigns channels platform
  • NBA orchestration platform

Inbound channels platform

Customized front-end experience with flexible flows, layouts, texts, and media, supporting AB tests and multiple payments, notifications, and activation methods in all channels.

  • Flexibility first

    White-label solution presents offers, services, and promotions to customers in a totally customizable manner by defining exhibition flows, themes, templates, voice prompts, and multiple opt-in types.

  • Pivot or persevere

    Real-time AB tests management of phrasing, banners, layouts, voice prompts, and flows to follow in real-time the channel performance and to create strategies to increase efficiency and conversion.

  • Smart checkout

    Flexible and extensible flows engine to apply diverse business logic to get user opt-in for offers, supporting multiple payment methods (credit card, debit card, MNO billing, etc.)

  • User journey mapping

    All steps, clicks, readings, and interactions are tracked to build reports with all the user experience and sales funnel.

Outbound and campaigns channels platform

Push marketing strategy management to reach users in any digital touchpoint to communicate and send offers, notifications, and all sorts of information, improving user experience and engagement.

  • Go after your customer

    Use the push channels to re-engage customers that have interacted with some offers but didn’t finish the activation by applying retargeting strategies at your service.

  • Target, aim and fire

    Create, schedule, and send high-impact campaigns with an interactive composer using your own mailing that can be enriched with our profiling and orchestration tools.,

  • Connect with multiple data sources

    Integrate CRM & Customer Support data, Marketplace data, Platforms data, and any information that can trigger a campaign for a user.

  • Boost your actions

    Increase the campaign intelligence by adding the orchestration engine to personalize the offers for each audience.

Orchestration platform

Online orchestration, assortment, prioritization, and service/payment management with AI/ML resources based on multiple user data and business inputs such as user profile, eligibility, user scoring, conversion rate, paid campaigns, cart abandonment, etc.

  • Be flexible

    Build your own media ads to impact your customers using audio, banners, text, videos, and embedded scripts. Personalize your offer by applying customized segmentation rules such as region, device, subscription status, multidimensional profile, user history, behavior, and preferences.

  • Have a plan

    Define the strategy that will drive your campaign based on rules like on-air scheduling, date and time segmentation, profile filters, and capping over CPM/CPC/CPA.

  • Be wise

    Define the strategy that will drive your campaign based on rules like on-air scheduling, date and time segmentation, profile filters, and capping over CPM/CPC/CPA.

  • Use all the tools

    The smart integration module allows a single point of contact for partners. Once the channel is integrated, your company can use all service catalogs, the same way a service provider integration permits offers to be presented in any available channel. One integration - a world of possibilities.

Who Trusts Us


  • Bangalink
  • Claro
  • energisa
  • Entel
  • equatorial
  • grameenphone
  • Indosat
  • Jazz Cash
  • movistar
  • MTN
  • robi
  • Saesa
  • Telcel
  • Telenor
  • Tigo
  • Tim
  • Vivo
  • Vodafone

Let's Talk!

We have the perfect solution with a customer-centric approach to increase revenue and improve customer relationships.