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Providing omnichannel payment experiences in Utility companies

In a world where speed and ease of payment are essential, the public utilities sector faces the pressure to adapt to customers' digital needs.

Bemobi, through its Bemobi Pay solution, has understood that omnichannel is key to delivering an enhanced, frictionless payment experience. Denis Maia, VP of Corporate Development at Bemobi, explained how the company is transforming the sector by enabling users to interact and make payments across multiple platforms seamlessly.

The primary way to increase the operational efficiency of essential service companies while simultaneously boosting customer satisfaction is to be available across as many channels as possible and with the greatest number of touchpoints.

Omnichannel in essential services: Barrier-free payments accessible to all

Instead of limiting itself to traditional channels, Bemobi has expanded options for public utility customers, allowing them to make payments through platforms like chatbots, payment links sent via SMS, emails, and WhatsApp. Each channel is designed so that the customer can access their account and pay instantly and securely.

It's possible to receive a payment link in a digital campaign, and this link is already personalized. When the customer clicks, all information about their due or overdue bills is available, allowing them to make the payment automatically.

Denis Maia, VP of Corporate Development at Bemobi.

digital payments

In addition to digital payments, Bemobi offers in-person options through kiosks, Smart POS, and other devices that allow customers to make payments in branches or physical stores—a valuable advantage during critical moments such as payment negotiations or to prevent service interruptions.

It is extremely important to have a presence at all the customer touchpoints. Every possible option should include this ease of payment in a very smooth and simple manner.

Denis Maia, VP of Corporate Development at Bemobi.

You may also be interested in watching the following Bemobi Sessions by Denis Maia:

Thanks to this omnichannel strategy, Bemobi not only enhances the operational efficiency of public service companies but also improves user experience by offering them the flexibility to pay how, when, and where they choose. Bemobi Pay redefines the concept of accessibility in essential services, fostering a closer and more effective relationship between companies and their customers.

For more information about our payment solutions for utility companies, please fill out the following form, and we will be happy to contact you as soon as possible.