© 2025 Bemobi. All rights reserved.
About Us
An impactful pioneering story
Born in Brazil but operating globally, Bemobi is a pioneering technology company focused on providing solutions and mobile platforms for digital payments, customer engagement, microfinance, and digital services.
Our innovative business model, featuring B2B2C distribution and delivery of complete white label solutions, has a solid adherence to the Brazilian reality and that of other emerging countries with a similar profile. We currently work in partnership with more than a hundred giant companies in the telecommunications, energy distribution, education, and finance sectors spread across more than 50 countries around the world, thus impacting over 80 million customers. Bemobi employs more than 700 people. Our people management policy has been recognized with several awards.

Our team
Human Investment
Bemobi currently employs more than 700 employees, and we have received the prize Great Place to Work (certification of the best companies to work for) every year since 2016. In 2021 we won GPTW recognition in the categories Rio de Janeiro (6th place), Information Technology, and Brazilian companies with 100 to 999 employees.
In addition, in the same year, we carried out an IPO on the stock exchange (B3) on the Novo Mercado, a segment intended for trading shares in companies that voluntarily adopt corporate governance practices in addition to those required by Brazilian law.
Our Journey
Bemobi’s History

Proven experience
International Presence in most main emerging economies
Multi-Cultural and Multidisciplinary tech drive team, with Solid relations in our partnerships in a large and growing market.
TPV processed in one year
with active operations worldwide
- Algeria
- Chile
- Armenia
- Bangladesh
- Belarus
- Bolivia
- Brazil
- Argentina
- Cambodia
- Malaysia
- Colombia
- Costa Rica
- Ecuador
- Egypt
- El Salvador
- Ghana
- Guatemala
- Honduras
- India
- Indonesia
- Kazakhstan
- Kenya
- Kyrgyztan
- Thailand
- Mexico
- Myanmar
- Nepal
- Nicaragua
- Nigeria
- Pakistan
- Panama
- Peru
- Philippines
- Puerto Rico
- Dominican Republic
- South Africa
- Sri Lanka
- Taiwan
- Tanzania
- Ukraine
- Uruguay
- Uzbekistan
- Vietnam
- Marocco
- Tajikistan
- Afghanistan
- Iraq
- Liberia
- Bulgaria
Our Culture
Life & Work at Bemobi
At Bemobi, we value the innovative spirit. We encourage people to seek their best version, and together, we identify affinities and opportunities.
Thanks to our light and open culture, we currently have a selection of restless and creative minds: the Bemobers.
We do much more than integrate innovative technologies and business models. We connect people digitally, including everyone.

Our Values